- The rate that underlying causes of death for vital statistics are derived from the underlying causes of death recorded at death certificates: (a study on the death certificates issued from three university hospitals)
- Woo Sung Park, Seok Gun Park, Chul Won Jung, Woo Chul Kim, Woo Taek Tak, Boo Yeon Kim, Sun Won Seo, Kwang Hwan Kim, Jin Sook Suh, Yoo Kyung Pu
Qual Improv Health Care. 2004;11(1):4. Published online June 30, 2004
- Survey on Discordance Rate between Final Principal Diagnosis and Principal Diagnosis at Emergency Room
- Kwang Hwan Kim, Sun Won Seo, Si Yeon Won, Seok Gun Park, Seung Yul Kim, Hwa Sik Song, Kab Taug Kim, Hey Kyung Jo, You Kung Bu, Hyun Kyung Lee
Qual Improv Health Care. 1998;5(2):216. Published online December 30, 1998