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Journal of Korean Society Quality Assurance Health Care 2000;7(1): 60.
Published online May 30, 2000.
당뇨병 표준진료지침 적용 효과에 관한 연구
신미옥1, 서신원1, 송복례1, 김경희1, 윤건호2, 유양숙3, 김희승3
1가톨릭대학교 강남성모병원 간호부
2가톨릭대학교 내과학교실
3가톨릭대학교 간호대학
Effect of Critical Pathway on Diabetes Mellitus
Mi Ok Shin1, Sin Won Seo1, Bok Rye Song1, Kyong Hee Kim1, Guon Ho Yoon2, Yang Sook Yoo3, Hee Seung Kim3
1Dept. of Nursing, Catholic of Korea, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital
2Dept. of Internal Medicine, Catholic University of Korea
3College of Nursing, Catholic University of Korea
The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the critical pathway to diabetic patients who were admitted in the hospital.
For establishment of critical pathway for diabetic patients, we organized the multidisciplinary care team. During 5 months, 31 diabetic inpatients were applied the critical pathway and the results were compared with 11 diabetic inpatients who were treated with conventional way. We assessed the patients satisfaction, knowledge on the disease, compliance of medical regimen, length of stay(LOS) and hospital cost. We used the computer program SAS for statistical analysis. Data were summarized with mean, and analyzed using t-test repeated measures ANOVA and Wilcoxon rank sum test.
Length of stay(LOS) was remarkably shortened in critical pathway group compared with the conventional treatment group($7.6{pm}1.23$ vs $12.0{pm}4.73$, p<0.000). Although LOS was significantly shortened in critical pathway group, patients satisfaction was much higher than conventional treatment group. There were no significant difference of knowledge on the disease, compliance of medical regimen and blood glucose level between two groups at discharge. Hospital cost of each patients also significantly decreased in critical pathway group(890,000 won vs 1,280,000 won, p<0.05).
These results showed that establishment of critical pathway for diabetic inpatients with team approach is the one of the way to improve the quality of diabetic patients management and to enhance the efficiency of hospital management.
Key words Critical pathway;Length of stay;Knowledge;Compliance;Patient satisfaction;


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