동영상 CD를 이용한 슬관절 전치환술 환자의 재활교육 프로그램이 관절가동범위 및 일상활동 수행에 미치는 효과 |
남문희1, 이정은2 |
1부산성모병원 QI실 2부산성모병원 간호부 |
Effects of a Video CD Rehabilitation Program for Total Knee Replacement on Range of Knee Angle and Activities of Daily Living Function |
Mun-Hee Nam1, Jung-Eun Lee2 |
1Departmant of QI, The Busan St. Mary's Hospital 2Departmant of Nursing, The Busan St. Mary's Hospital |
Abstract |
Background This study was identified the effects of a video CD Rehabilitation program on the range of knee angle and activities of daily living in patients with a total knee replacement Method : The data was collected from March 1 to May 31 2009 for the control group and from July 1 to September 31 2009 for the experimental group. The control and experimental groups contained 19 subjects each. A video CD Rehabilitation program configured to 8 minutes in length was shown 8 times every other day. Result 1. On the day of Hemovac removal, the knee angle and CPM angle in the experimental group increased significantly, but they remained relatively constant on post operation day 21. 2. The activities of daily living were significantly different in the experimental group. Conclusion 1. On the day of Hemovac removal, the knee angle and CPM angle in the experimental group increased significantly, but they remained relatively constant on post operation day 21. 2. The activities of daily living were significantly different in the experimental group. |
Key words
Rehabilitation;Total knee replacement;Continuous Passive Movement Therapy;angle;Activities of Daily Living; |