Non-Value-added Activity 개선을 통한 간호업무 효율성 향상 |
박양희, 권인각, 박계숙, 장혜정, 송미라, 김희진 |
삼성서울병원 |
Case study on improvements in non-value-added nursing activities to increase the efficiency of nursing care |
Yang-Hee Park, In-Gak Kwon, Kyei-Sook Park, Hae-Jung Jang, Mi-Ra Song, Hee-Jin Kim |
Samsung Medical Center |
Abstract |
Background This study investigates improvements in non-value-added nursing activities in clinical work, in order to improve the efficiency and quality of nursing activities. Methods The study was performed as a quality improvement project at a tertiary general hospital. The nursing activities that needed improvements were categories into admission care, discharge care, supply management, diagnostic work-up related activities, and others. The nursing time and frequency of non-value-added activities were compared across nine nursing units before and after implementation of the quality improvement program. Post-implementation patient and nurse satisfaction were subsequently analyzed. Result Post-implementation, the time spent on non-value-added nursing activities was reduced and patients and nurses were satisfied with the improvements. Discussion: Reducing non-value-added activities in nursing can increase the work efficiency and ensure time for patient care, thus improving the quality of nursing care. For further study, accurate surveys on nursing activities based on nursing time are required. |
Key words
Non-value-added activity; |