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Qual Improv Health Care > Volume 21(1); 2015 > Article
Quality Improvement in Health Care 2015;21(1): 80.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14371/QIH.2015.21.1.80    Published online June 30, 2015.
환자안전문화 측정을 위한 설문조사 수행 및 결과 활용 기법
이경실1, 박미진2, 나해란3, 정헌재4
1서울대병원 가정의학과
2의료기관평가인증원 인증사업실
3서울성모병원 카톨릭의과대학 정신과학교실
4존스홉킨스보건대학원 의료관리및정책학과
A Strategy for Administration and Application of a Patient Safety Culture Survey
Gyeong-sil Lee1, Mi-jin Park2, Hae-ran Na3, Heon-jae Jeong4
1Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital
2Department of Accreditation Operation, Korea Institute for Healthcare Accreditation
3Department of Psychiatry, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea
4Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
A safety culture is the bedrock for all patient safety improvement initiatives; thus, many resources have been invested in measuring hospital culture. However, many of these endeavors have failed to yield meaningful results. This article proposes a practical checklist to ensure successful administration of a safety culture survey and describes current methodologies for analyzing survey results to develop safety improvement programs.
We reviewed currently used safety culture surveys and summarized their strengths and weaknesses. We also reviewed studies using safety culture surveys and found several pitfalls leading to failure in survey administration. With this information, we developed a checklist that covers critical items in the survey process. We also reviewed newly developed methodologies for survey results analysis and application and described them using the Korean version of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire as an example.
The checklist consists of three steps: survey preparation, administration, and analysis and application. Each step contains clear action items. The content even describes how to get buy-in from hospital executives and manage communication channels with them. Also, common misunderstandings regarding survey scores are described and possible solutions are suggested. In the analysis section, we demonstrate new methods for obtaining more accurate survey results and how to utilize these methods to develop and implement hospital-wide safety improvement programs.
A successful safety culture survey is the foundation of all future safety improvement projects. This review is intended to guide hospitals in enhancing safety.
Key words Patient safety;Safety culture;Safety climate;


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