병리추가조직검사 정보전달을 위한 업무프로세스 연구 |
고재남1, 박윤익1, 정진경1, 안상호1, 김재호1, 신화정2, 현지숙3, 김경호3 |
1서울아산병원 병리과 2서울아산병원 연구지원팀 3서울아산병원 의료정보개발팀 |
Study Focused on Task Process regarding Effective Information Transfer of Ancillary Tests in Diagnostic Pathology |
Jae-Nam Ko1, Yun-Ik Park1, Jin-Gyeong Jung1, Sang-Ho Ahn1, Jae-Ho Kim1, Hwa-Jeong Shin2, Ji-Suk Hyun3, Kyeong-Ho Kim3 |
1Department of Pathology, Asan Medical Center, Asan Medical Center 2Research and Development Team, Asan Medical Center, Asan Medical Center 3Health Information and Technical Development Team, Asan Medical Center |
Jae-Nam Ko ,Tel: +82-2-3010-4531, Fax: +82-2-3010-4540, Email: kirasung@amc.seoul.kr |
Received: September 6, 2016 Revised: November 18, 2016 Accepted: December 10, 2016 |
Abstract |
Purpose Ancillary tests such as immunohistochemistry or molecular testing for pathologic diagnosis are performed using ready-made tissue blocks for a histological examination. Various methods and processes during ancillary testing cause some of issues, particularly in the time required and the results reporting scheme.
Methods To solve these issues, we constructed real-time management software. When a pathologist or a clinician had ancillary tests examined using this software by selecting the codes of the needed ancillary tests on site and the system assigned the tests to each laboratory. Then, pathology technologists checked the referred tests and performed the examination. In clinical departments, serial number of each ancillary test can be matched the original pathologic ID. In the department of pathology, numbers of tissue blocks that needed additional tests could be indicated and detected using one-click detection system when a clinician referred the test.
Results Using this system resulted in simplifying the referral procedures from nine-steps to three-steps in each clinical department and from seven-steps to two-steps in department of pathology. Errors that happened on the paper-based request system were also reduced. Furthermore, the time required was saved by seven hours in pathologic laboratory on average. Mean durations from requesting to reporting of the ancillary test was reduced by three days for specimens of health promotion center.
Conclusion Construction of an effective information transfer system may be helpful for shortening the time required, reducing errors, and checking processing information of the tests in real time. |
Key words
Medical order entry systems, Diagnostic pathology, Pathology |