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Journal of Korean Society Quality Assurance Health Care 1996;3(1): 78.
Published online November 30, 1996.
병원내 안전관리 향상을 위한 항목 및 지침 선정
박지원1, 김용순1, 진혜영2
1아주대학교 의과대학 간호학과
2아주대학교병원 의료지원부
Selecting QA Items & Guidelines for Hospital Safety Management
Jee-Won Park1, Yong-Soon Kim1, Hye-Young Jin2
1Department of Nursing, School of medicine, AJOU University
2Department of Nursing, AJOU University Hospital
The goal of this study was to establish the QA items and guidelines for preventing and improving of safety management. Therefore we investigated the nurses' recognition and knowledge of the safety and risk procedures and policies, and the agreement between the nurses beliefs on the degree of importance of those procedures and policies, with actual implementation in hospitals. Method : The subjects of this study were 201 nurses who participated in a program called continuing education for nurses, which held in December, 1993.
The results of this study were as follows: 1. Among 18 types of hospital risks, the items that scored highest or the need of closer attention in safety management was the needle stick, medication errors, falling, and bed sores. 2. In most questions of the 18 incidences, the nurses showed that the estimated result would have positive signs except for hospital infections, burns, and bed sores. 3. Even though the survey shows that incidences and types of occurences varies according to the person's age and the time of incident, they mostly occur between midnight to 6AM. Falls and bed sores can be seen more in the elderly. Medications errors, hospital infections and burns are frequently found between the ages of one through twenty. 4. There was a higher mean score for recognizing the importance of those items than the importance of implementing them.
In summary, nurses did perceive the need of safety management but the hospital policy for proper safety management was not established. So we recommended that the hospital administration would undertake an early detection and proper management system for hospital precautions, based on QA items & guidelines presented in this study.
Key words QA items;QA guidelines;hospital safety management;
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Methodological Issues of Hospital Quality Assessment1994 December;1(2)


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