공중보건의의 고혈압 진단 및 치료과정 평가 |
송윤미1, 김윤2, 조홍준3, 정희숙4, 김용익2 |
1삼성의료원 가정의학과 2서울대학교 의과대학 의료관리학교실 3울산대학교 의과대학 가정의학과 4대한공중보건의사협의회 |
Quality Evaluation for the Diagnosis and Management of Hypertensives by Pubilc Health Doctors |
Yun-Mi Song1, Yoon Kim2, Hong-Jun Cho3, Hoi-Suk Jeong4, Yong-Ik Kim2 |
1Department of Family Medicine, Samsung Medical Center 2Department of Health Policy and Management, Medical College, Seoul National University 3Department of Family Medicine, Medical College, Ulsan University 4Korea Association of Public Health Doctors |
Abstract |
Background Little work has been carried out regarding quality assessment research in a primary care setting, comparing with that of hospitals. This study aims to evaluate the process of diagnosis and management of hypertension by public health doctors on the basis of pre-established clinical guideline, and to identify several modifying factors associated with them. Methods Hypertension was selected as the target disease, because it is a chronic disease which is of great public health importance. Self-administered questionnaires were mailed to public health doctors practicing at health centers and health subcenters across the nation. The response rate was 20.9%. The questionnaire included the diagnosis and management process such as measuring blood pressure, history taking, physical examinations, and treatment approches and potentially modifying factors such as level of training, duration of practice as a public health doctor, and education on management of hypertension. Results Public health doctors pay little attention in measuring BP, hypertension related history taking, performing physical examination and laboratory examination. But they devoted much effort in diagnosing hypertension exactly and giving nonpharmacological treatment. Among various antihypertensive drugs, calcium-channel blockers were the most preferred agent(50.9%). Level of training, duration of practice ad a public health doctor, and education on management of hypertension made no difference on quality of care(p>0.05). Conclusion These public health doctors showed poor compliance with the pre-established clinical guidelines, which leaves much to be desired in diagnosing and managing hypertensive patients by public health doctors. This study might be able to contribute to develop some strategies, such as educational programs, which would be able to improve the process of care in hypertensives. |
Key words
Hypertension;Quality Assessment;Clinical Guidelines;Public Health Doctor; |