보건소 진료서비스 이용자의 만족도에 관한 연구 |
문영신1, 조우현2, 강임옥1 |
1연세대학교 보건대학원 2연세대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실 |
Patient satisfaction of medical care in a public health center |
Young-Shin Moon1, Woo-Hyun Cho2, Im-Ok Kang1 |
1Graduate School of Health Science and Management, Yonsei University 2Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, College of Medicine, Yonsei University |
Abstract |
The aim of this study was to examine differences in the level of satisfaction with medical care at a public health center between patients receiving free-care compared to those paying out-of-pocket. SERVQUAL(Comprehensive Service Quality Measurement Scale), a pyschometrically valid measure for evaluating hospital service quality, was used to assess patient satisfaction. The study sample consisted of 279 patients who received medical care at a public health center. The interview was conducted between April 23 and May 7, 1998. The results was as follow: 1. There were more elderly people among free-care patients than out-of-pocket patients. Education and income levels were lower amongs those receiving free-care. There were, however, no differences in the distribution of gender and religion between the two groups. Patients receiving free-care tended to visit the public health center more frequently compared to those self-paying patients. 2. Overall, free-care patients showed higher satisfaction level than that of self-paying patients. except for the dimension on sympathy and shape. |
Key words
SERVQUAL;patient satisfaction;health center; |